The Director: Pr. MADANI Khodir

I would like to share with you, at the end of the year 2021, the will and the confidence that drive us.
I have the great opportunity to work with men and women who, thanks to their commitments, will lead the Research Center for Agri-Food Technologies to win its spurs.
I have the honor of working alongside women, men and a research support staff, this extraordinary potential and scientific resource who bring their dynamism, energy and youth to the accomplishment of the missions and objectives of the RCAFT.
In 2019, the birth certificate of the RCAFT was promulgated with missions for food safety, the quality of our food, process innovations and the recycling of food co-products. 2020 with the health crisis saw the contribution of the CRTAA in the production of alcoholic gel, the control of masks, the control of alcohol, and a major contribution for the opening of the COVID19 screening laboratory at the University of Bejaia. In 2021, the RCAFT acquired research support staff, researchers, an interministerial decree for its internal organization, a result of sacrifice, significant hard work, dedication and unfailing generosity.
2021 was marked by the integration into the RCAFT of qualified staff from the Thematic Agency for Research
2022 will be the year of other challenges, other discoveries, provision of scientific equipment, new recruitments which will constitute the fuel for future success.