
There’s no denying that digital technology has brought about major transformations in education, particularly in higher education. The changes affect various aspects, such as communication, access to information and teaching methods. However, the ability of students, teachers and institutions to adapt to these changes is crucial to ensure an effective transition to a digital learning environment.

Algeria’s Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research recognizes the importance of modernizing and improving the performance of the higher education and research system. This strategic vision focuses on the dynamic integration of digital technologies to create an innovative environment conducive to development and progress.

The creation of a Schéma Directeur du Numérique (SDN) is an essential step in planning the digital future of Algeria’s universities. This strategic plan, based on the sector’s vision, establishes clear objectives and identifies projects to be implemented over a set period, according to the capabilities and potential of each institution. This approach will enable a gradual transition to teaching and research practices more in line with the demands of today’s digital world.

To ensure the success of this transition, it is crucial to invest in the training and professional development of teachers, to provide students with adequate access to digital technologies, and to create an environment conducive to innovation and collaboration. In addition, ongoing assessment of progress made in implementing the SDN is necessary to adjust strategies and initiatives in line with the evolving needs of higher education and scientific research in Algeria.

The Digital Master Plan is built around :

Vision, which gives rise to strategic axes.
Each strategic axis is broken down into programs.
Each program is broken down into projects comprising activities to be carried out.

The Digital Master Plan will be managed from start to finish by the following bodies, created for this purpose:



Composition of the digital strategy office:
  • The Professor: KHODIR Madani                         Director of the CRTAA center.
  • The Professor: ZAABAR Salim                           Assistant Manager
  • Mister:    AIDLI Sofiane                                        General Secretary
  • Mister:     ZEROKLANE Salim                              Service Gestion et maintenance des Réseaux Documentation Numerique  
  • Madame: KHERKHOUR Lyakout                        Service Gestion et maintenance des Réseaux Documentation Numerique                       
  • Madame: TALBI Safia                                         Service Gestion et maintenance des Réseaux Documentation Numerique 
  • Madame: BRAHMI Yasmine                              Service Gestion et maintenance des Réseaux Documentation Numerique 
  • Mister: BOUMERTIT Massinissa                      Service Gestion et maintenance des Réseaux Documentation Numerique 
  • Mister: GOUL Lamine                                        Scientific Events and Documentation Department


The missions of the above-mentioned office are as follows:

  • Digitize the center.
  • Ensure the implementation of the digitization master plan at the Agricultural Nutrition Technology Research Center.
  • Propose mechanisms and measures to improve digitization at the Agricultural Nutrition Technology Research Center.
  • Ensure support for the use of open source software in the Center in accordance with the content of Resolution No. 0001 of January 11, 2023, which includes the creation of a committee to support the use of open source software in higher education and scientific research institutions and the definition of its tasks and composition.
  • Follow and implement the recommendations of the Comité national d’évaluation et d’optimisation des services internet.