Dr Zoubeida MEGHLAOUI : Ph.D. in Physiotoxicology, Senior Scientist class “B” at the CRTAA since June 2022. Research activity focused on the elimination of pesticides from fruits and vegetables, the control of insect pests and the identification of meats using a genomic approach. Also responsible for the CRTAA’s Visibility and Ranking Committee.
- Monitoring pollution in East Algerian coasts using biochemical markers in the polychaete annelid Perinereis cultrifera (2014)
- Annual variations of the presence of Nereididae (Annelida Polychaeta) from intertidal rocky shores along the east coast of Algeria (2015)
- Effect of oil pollution on polychaete annelids in the Algerian East coast (2015)
- Laying period and biomarkers of the polychaete Perinereis cultrifera from the eastern coast of Algeria subjected to marine pollution (2015)
- Water pollution of the Oued D’Hous River (Algeria) and its potential impact on fauna and flora (2023)