Dr Ayoub ALLAM PhD in Ecology and Environment, Senior Research Fellow class “B” at the CRTAA since June 12, 2022. Research activity targeting drought-resistant plants of potential economic interest. Also coordinating a research project.
- Characterization of coniferous forest soils in the arid zone (2018)
- Effects of water and thermal stress on microbial respiratory activities in soils following a gradient of aridification (2018)
- Assessing of the Tolerance of PINUS HALEPENSIS MILL. Seeds to water and Saline Stress at the Germination Stage (2019)
- Effect of Aridity Gradient on Physico-chemical and Microbial Characteristics of Pine Forest Soils (2019)
- Effects of Overgrazing on the Physico-chemical and Biological Properties of Semi-arid Forest Soils in Western Algeria (2019)
- Impact of the Aridity Gradient on the Physico-chemical Parameters of the Needles of Pinus halepensis Mill. in the Western Algeria (2019)
- Microbial activities and physicochemical properties of coniferous forest soils in two forest areas (arid and semi-arid) of western Algeria (2019)
- Quality Estimation of the Western Algeria Forest Soils (2019)
- Comparative Local Case Study of Coniferous Forest Litter of the PINUS HALEPENSIS MILL in Arid and Semi-arid Areas of Western Algeria (2020)
- Effect of Fires on Certain Properties of Forest Soils in Western Algeria (2020)
- Impact of Water Erosion on the Properties of Forest Soils (2021)