My name is Mohamed Khalil Mellal, a trained ecologist with a PhD in Environmental Health from the University of Annaba, Algeria. During my doctoral studies, I took part in a number of research projects that enabled me to acquire considerable expertise in global ecology. With the CRTAA, my research focuses on the development of agricultural production systems in Algeria and on finding solutions to production problems, such as the treatment of pests and fungal or viral diseases of different crops (I’m currently interested in fig trees in particular). cultures (actuellement je suis intéressé par le figuier en particulier)
- Does Wind Affect emergence Site Selection in Odonata (2013)
- Aspects of reproductive biology and ecology of Coenagrion Mercuriale at its southern range margin (2014)
- A hotspot for threatened Mediterranean odonates in the Seybouse River (Northeast Algeria) ara IUCN population sizes drastically underestimated (2016)
- Host-plant-based restoration as a potential tool to improve conservation status of odonate specialists (2016)
- On the restoration of the last relict population of a dragonfly Urothemis edwardsii Selys (LibellulidaeOdonata) in the Mediterranean (2016)
- Unravelling the drastic range retraction of an emblematic songbird of North Africapotential threats to Afro-Palearctic migratory birds (2017)
- Aspects of the emergence ecology of the regionally endangered Coenagrion mercuriale(Odonata Coenagrionidae) in Northeast Algeria (2018)
- Differential elevation cline in the phenology and demography of two temporally isolated populations of a damselflyNot two but one taxon (2018)
- Reproductive habitat provisioning promotes survival and reproduction of the endangered endemic damselfly Calopteryx exul (2018)
- The hand of man first then Santa Rosalia’s blesssinga critical examination of the supposed criticism by Samraoui (2018)
- Field estimates of fitness costs of the pace-of-life in an endangered damselfly (2019)
- Biodiversity Exploitation for Online Entertainment (2022)